Public Service Announcement – Twitter is not IRC or IM

Using @ messages to carry on a conversation? Maybe you’re using the wrong medium.

Twitter is not an IRC channel. It is not an IM client.

Twitter is a service for posting what you’re doing.

The occasional @ message is OK, but carrying on a conversation with @ messages… not cool.

This concludes your Public Service Announcement. 🙂

YourFonts – DIY font creation

So, for whatever reason, you want to make a font. Be it your handwriting, or whatever.

Looks like you can do it now… there’s this service called YourFonts.

You simply print out a sheet, fill it in, scan it, and then it generates a font from that. Or, you could download a copy of the sheet and fill it in in a graphics program, if you wanted to make a font that way.

I decided to do one myself:

Oh, and I used an extra fine point Sharpie, and it still worked great. 🙂

Thanks, Rich, for the tip. 😀