Thoughts on “The Underground History of American Education”

In my previous post, I linked to John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education. I did note that I hadn’t actually gotten around to reading it, though.

So, I decided, now’s as good a time as any to start reading it. And, I thought I’d remark on what I was reading. I’m going to jump around a lot, though.

This is going to be a long wall of text, just like my last post. So, everything’s after the break. Continue reading “Thoughts on “The Underground History of American Education””

Interesting video on education, what’s wrong with it, and how to fix it

So, I noticed that Jeri Ellsworth tweeted a link to a video from Dr. Tae, a “skateboarder, videographer, scientist, and teacher,” with his point of view on education, what’s wrong with it, and what can be done to fix it.

I was going to use Twitter to mention my thoughts about this video, but then I thought, I’ve got a whole lot more thoughts than would fit in 140 characters, and this would be more appropriate for a blog entry. Because this is such a long post, I’ll continue after the jump. Continue reading “Interesting video on education, what’s wrong with it, and how to fix it”