Interesting video on education, what’s wrong with it, and how to fix it

So, I noticed that Jeri Ellsworth tweeted a link to a video from Dr. Tae, a “skateboarder, videographer, scientist, and teacher,” with his point of view on education, what’s wrong with it, and what can be done to fix it.

I was going to use Twitter to mention my thoughts about this video, but then I thought, I’ve got a whole lot more thoughts than would fit in 140 characters, and this would be more appropriate for a blog entry. Because this is such a long post, I’ll continue after the jump. Continue reading “Interesting video on education, what’s wrong with it, and how to fix it”

My crazy opinion on computers and education

I should probably state my qualifications before I begin this post… I work as the computer technician for a K-12 private school. I don’t work directly with the students, but I DO work with the teachers in implementing their educational needs on our computers. Also, it wasn’t that long ago that I was a student myself.

I personally feel that modern computers are the wrong approach for educating our students. Continue reading “My crazy opinion on computers and education”