Just for fun… even though it’s been spread already… more 09f9 (and 455f) action!


Put this image in your signature on the forums that you’re on that allow it, and spread the 09f9 and the 455f.

This was inspired by badmouth.net’s Free Speech flag, but with some differences. Due to the second AACS key being found, I decided to append it to the end, with 0x00 separating the two keys.

Therefore, the constituent colors are:

#09f911 #029d74 #e35bd8 #4156c5 #635688 #c00045 #5fe104 #22ca29 #c4933f #95052b #792ab2

(Joining segment is bolded)

Code to put this in your signature on most forums:


For some other forums:



this signature would be a circumvention device if you could see images


So, this is ANOTHER ride, all of $30.

Some other stuff, and it’s good to ride now! 😀

BTW, 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0.