Big Media wants to put spyware on your computer. Do something about it.

The RIAA, MPAA, and other organizations want to install spyware to monitor your files, and use federal law enforcement agencies (PDF) to protect their revenue stream.

They don’t add value, they add cost, to benefit themselves, at the detriment of the artists that make the music, movies, and TV shows that you like. Problem is, people are beginning to realize this, and they don’t want to give up their dying business model – it works quite well for them. So, they’re buying laws to force people to keep paying them.

Sure, these laws won’t pass, they’re insane, but a watered down version, that looks sane in comparison, but is still quite insane, will likely be voted on, and passed. The politicians are in Big Media’s pockets.

So, what to do?

The answer is to take Big Media down.

Most people aren’t aware of what Big Media is doing, and I believe that if they were enlightened, they would at least reduce their content consumption, if not directly fight Big Media altogether.

The best way to make them aware? Get right out in front of them. Sure, the news media won’t pay attention, they’re part of Big Media as well. But, that’s not what will get people’s attention, anyway.

Big Media can’t stop people from picketing concerts and movie releases, as long as a place to do it without being on the concert venue or the movie theater’s property is available. So, picket. Organized protests around the nation. Get a group of people together, get a protest permit if it’s needed (PLEASE look up your local laws before doing this,) and picket, whenever a major concert occurs, or whenever there’s a movie release. Come up with catchy slogans that get the point across that Big Media wants to keep things locked up forever, they want to scan what’s on your computer to make sure that it’s all paid for (multiple times, in some cases,) they want to destroy fair use, and they want to sue you. Come up with a website with a short, easy to remember URL, to point people to.

Promote independent media – in fact, an interesting idea for a protest would be to have local independent performers perform at the protest, as an alternative concert. Pay them well, though. Entertain the people you’re trying to get this message out to, and they might just be more receptive.

If you think this is a good idea, reply to this. If you think this is a bad idea, reply to this. If you want to get started, definitely reply to this.

Just for fun… even though it’s been spread already… more 09f9 (and 455f) action!


Put this image in your signature on the forums that you’re on that allow it, and spread the 09f9 and the 455f.

This was inspired by’s Free Speech flag, but with some differences. Due to the second AACS key being found, I decided to append it to the end, with 0x00 separating the two keys.

Therefore, the constituent colors are:

#09f911 #029d74 #e35bd8 #4156c5 #635688 #c00045 #5fe104 #22ca29 #c4933f #95052b #792ab2

(Joining segment is bolded)

Code to put this in your signature on most forums:


For some other forums:



this signature would be a circumvention device if you could see images